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Filip Löbl

Filip LoblFilip Lobl pohyb (2)Filip Lobl pohyb (1)Filip Löbl (born in 1990)

He graduated from Dance Centre Prague – conservatory, which he successfully completed in 2010. During his studies, he danced in the school company Ballet Prague Junior and appeared in the choreographies of Attila Egerházi and Samuel Delvaux.

In 2010 – 2013 he was a member of the Ballet of South Bohemian Theatre, where he had the opportunity to dance in choreographies of Jiří Kylián, Attila Egerházi, Petr Zuska and Rui Horta.

In 2013/2014 he moved to the Baltic Dance Theatre in Gdansk, Poland, where he danced in choreographies of Isadora Weiss, Patrick Delcroix and Jiří Kylián.

From January 2015, he has become a permanent member of Prague Chamber Ballet, where he has taken roles in choreographies Who is the most powerful in the word?, Guess how many stars are there, From My Life (P.Šmok), Slavonic quartet (Mario Radačovský), and others.

He participated in workshops with choreographers such as Ohad Naharin, Jeanne Solan, G. Harangozó, Sherley Esseboom, and others.

Photo: ART DOT Studio