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Aurora Fradella

_DSC3212_DSC3151 kopie_DSC3148 Aurora Fradella (born in 1992)

Aurora Fradella was educated in dance art by completing a number of educational courses and scholarship programs at prestigious European universities and professional dance companies, including The Royal Ballet in London, Teatro Massimo Academy, Balletto di Toscana and Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. She also gained the experiences during regular workshops and summer internships, eg. at the London Contemporary Dance School, the English National Ballet, Vertigo Dance Company and by the collaboration with teachers and choreographers Oxana Kichenko, Carolyn Carlson, Lorand Zachar, Aurelie Cayla and others.

Aurora started performing in her 16 years in the junior company Teatro Massimo Youth Dancers and later in the Balletto di Toscana and Zappalà Dance Company.

She became the regular member of Prague Chamber Ballet in July 2016.

Photo: ART DOT Studio