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Kateřina Dedková – Franková

(* 10th of June 1954 in Kladno) She graduated from Dance Department of Prague Conservatory in 1974 and choreography field at the Dance Department at the Academy of Performing Arts Prague in 1992. During 1974–76 she worked in ballet of the national Theatre Prague (Skočná v Prodané nevěstě) (Skočná in The Bartered Wife), Zajíc ve Špalíčku) (Hair in Wood Block). After that she became a soloist of dance groups of Pavel Šmok in Městská divadla pražská (Town Prague´s Theatres) (1976–80), from 1980 carrying a name Prague Chamber Ballet, as of 1992 also re-established name Ballet Prague, from 2000 again PKB (Prague Chamber Ballet), which in 2003 became part of State Opera Prague. Kateřina Franková became till year 1992 the main interpret of Šmok choreographies. After five years of interpretation break she came back to the group in 1997 as a soloist, assistant and ballet mistress and choreographer. She belonged to the interpretation elite drama dancers of the entire post-war era. Her dance creations were characterised by perfect blend of movement and acting expression from lyrical parts all the way to expressive, dramatic and psychologically approached parts (Listy důvěrné (Confidential Sheets), 1976; Americký kvartet (American Quartet), 1977; 3. smyčcový kvartet L. Janáčka (3rd Bowed Quartet of L. Janáček), 1978; Z mého života (From My Life), 1983; Žena ve Zjasněné noci (Woman in Transfigured Night), 1987; Vdova v Holoubkovi (Widow in Little Dove) , 1992; Kostelnička ve Po zarostlém chodníčku (Female Sexton in On An Overgrown Oath) , 1998 etc.). She cooperated with Laterna magika, in National Theatre she studied in 1995 Šmok choreography of Amerického kvartetu (American Quartet) and she assisted to Pavel Šmok when he directed Prodaná nevěsta (The Bartered Wife) (1993). In television she filmed many dance roles, for example a Princess in Pohádka o Honzovi (Story about Jack), Princess in Příběh vojáka (Story about Soldier), Bridesmaid in Nevěsta ve Svatbě (Bridesmaid in Wedding), a title role in Slavík (Nightingale), Herdswoman in Pastýřka a kominíček (Herdswoman and Chimney Sweeper), Black Queen in Alenka v říši divů (Alice in Wonderland). Choreography talent discovered and cultivated in her by Pavel Šmok was demonstrated by her for example in Valčíky a Humoresky (Waltzes and Humoresques) and České svitě of Antonín Dvořák (Czech Scrolls of Antonín Dvořák) (1986), together with Pavel Šmok in Po zarostlém chodníčku (On An Overgrown path) (1998), Smetana Z domoviny (From Homeland) (1999). She collaborated with theatre of F. X. Šalda in Liberec on a ballet Coppélia (music L. Delibes).

For the role of a Woman in Zjasněná noc (Transfigured Night) a prize of Czech Literary Fund was awarded to her in 1988 and she became the holder of Czechoslovak Republic national Prize (1989). She is a ballet mistress of Prague Chamber Ballet. Kateřina Franková is as of 2003 member of ballet panel of Acting Association for awarding Thálie prizes.