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Markéta Perroud

Markéta Perroud — External consultant

After completing her studies at the Prague Dance Conservatory in 1990, she worked for 7 years as a soloist of the Prague Chamber Ballet while also collaborated on many independent art projects at home and abroad. She became a laureate of the Thalia Award for extraordinary dance performance for the year 1995. In 1997 she was engaged as a soloist of Lyon Ballet de l’Opéra National de Lyon, where she worked until 2010. She worked with leading choreographers M. Ek, J. Kylián, O. Naharin, T. Brown, M. Marin, N. Duato, T. Saarinen, R. Maliphantem and others. She holds a French national diploma in Dance Education (since 2004). In 2009-2010 she completed studies in Lyon annual cultural management. Since 2010 she collaborated with the Tanec Praha o.s. as a member of the Arts Council. Since November 2011 she became a co-director of the festival TANEC PRAHA.