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Nikol Šneiderová

choreo-sneiderovaNikol Šneiderová is as of season 2012/2013 a permanent member of Prague Chamber Ballet. She studies at the Dance Centre Prague, which she successfully completed in 2010. Consequently she operated in Jihočeský (South Bohemian) Ballet, where she had the possibility to dance in choreographies for example of Jiří Kylián, Mário Radačovský or Attila Egerházi. Since her studying years she actively devotes her time to her own choreography production. Together with Šimon Kubáň she won a choreography competition in Bytom (PL) and shortly after her studies she presented herself at the festival Zlatá praha (Golden Praue) with choreography Keep it real. Today she continues in her choreography work in frame of group Sandalfon dance company. She cooperates with creators and choreographers for example Jeanne Solan, Shirley Esseboon (NL – NDT), G. Harangozo (H), Václav Kuneš (CZ), Uri Ivgi (IL), Johan Greben (NL), Palo Kršiak (SK), Irma Rubio (S) and others.