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Prague Chamber Ballet (1975 – 1999 and 2001 – 2023)

2022 wider nomination for the Thalia Award for our soloist Ondřej Vinklát in category of Dance and Movement Theatre. He showed exceptional artistic excellence in a choreography Epitaf by Petr Zuska

2020 wider nomination for the Thalia Award for our soloist Tereza Hloušková in category of Dance and Movement Theatre. She showed exceptional artistic excellence in a choreography Fo(u)r One by Petr Zuska

2019 Award for the best choreography to Petr Zuska for A Bouquet (Competition of Contemporary Dance Production BALLET 2019)

2019 Special Mention to Ondřej Brousek for music – A Bouquet (Competition of Contemporary Dance Production BALLET 2019)

2019 Special Mention to Jan Dušek for art design – stage for A Bouquet (Competition of Contemporary Dance Production BALLET 2019)

2019 Thalia Award for our soloist Dominik Vodička in category of Dance and Movement Theatre. He showed exceptional artistic excellence as a „Man“ in a successful full-length ballet production A Bouquet of Czech Folktales by Petr Zuska.

2019 wider nomination for the Thalia Award for our soloist Linda SVidró in category of Dance and Movement Theatre. She showed exceptional artistic excellence as a „Life“ in a successful full-length ballet production A Bouquet of Czech Folktales by Petr Zuska.

2018 Jury Award for the best dance performance, choreography „Entwine“, International Dance Festival in Cheongju (South Korea)

2017 Special Mention for the best dance performance, choreography „The Mystery of Time“, International Dance Festival in Busan (South Korea)

2017 Audience Award for the best dance performance „Metamorphic“, International Dance Festival Incheon in Soul (South Korea)

2016 Special Mention for dance performance – choreography „This is not a kiss!“, 5th year of Warsaw Dance Days Festival

2016 Audience Award for the best dance performance „Metaphors of Dance“, „Zvolenské hry zámecké“ Festival

2014 Achievement Award – choreographies Mono No Aware and The Condition of Disappearance –Cultural festival of the 483rd anniversary of Querétaro City (Mexico)

2013 Snowflake Prize for the best dance performance – choreography Mono No Aware – 29th International Festival Sarajevo Winter (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

2012 Choreography competition „no ballet” Nomination – choreography Mono No Aware – Ludwigshafen (Germany)

2009 Thalia Award Nomination for extraordinary stage performance – Lucie Holánková,         choreography Lyrická (Lyrical)

2007 Reward for Best choreography and Reward for Best adaptation of compulsory choreography – Lucie Holánková – 1st international choreography competition in Pilsner   

2007 Audience Award “CENA SIRAEX 2007” for choreography – Lucie Holánková, choreography Divocí koně (Wild horses)

2002 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Petr Zuska, choreography Mariin sen (Mary´s dream)

2001 Thalia Award for extraordinary stage performance – Lubor Kvaček, choreography Golem

1998 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Libor Vaculík, choreography Pohádka (Fairytale).

1997 Reward for contemporary choreography – choreography Koncert A moll (Concert A moll) – Czech-Slovak interpretation competition

1997 Czech Republic dance association Award for choreography – Petr Zuska, Šibeničky (The small gallows) and Seul

1997 Czech Republic dance association Award for collective performance – composition Piccolo Mondo

1997 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Libor Vaculík, choreography Koncert a-moll (Concert A moll)

1996 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Petr Zuska, choreography V mlhách (In the mists)

1996 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Petr Zuska, choreography Seul

1995 Thalia Award for extraordinary stage performance – Markéta Plzáková, choreography Stabat

1995 Thalia Award for extraordinary stage performance – Petr Kolář, choreography Seul

1994 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Petr Zuska, choreography Šibeničky (The small gallows)

1993 Czech literary fund Prize for Best stage performance – Trio g moll and Holoubek (Dove)

1992 Czech Republic dance association Award for chamber companies’ performance – Trio g moll and Holoubek (Dove)

1990 Czech Republic dance association Award for 2nd place for contemporary choreography

1989 Main prize for chamber companies – choreography Musica Slovaca – festival Harvest Ballet

1988 Czech literary fund Prize for extraordinary stage performance – Kateřina Dedková – Franková, choreography Zjasněná noc (Transfigured Night).

1985 Central committee of socialist union of tee-agers – diploma for active participation on preparation and proceeding of 7th SFMS in Moscow

1983 Prize for Best interpretation of music drama production – Stravinskij: Zpěv slavíka (Singing of Nightingale) – Television festival Golden Prague

1983 Prize for Best choreography – Television festival in Helsinki

1982 Prize for Best interpretation of music drama production – Stravinskij: Příběh vojáka (A Soldier´s story) – Television festival Golden Prague

1980 Czech Republic Ministry of Culture Medal for Best interpretation of Leoš Janáček pieces

1978 3rd prize for interpretation – Záskok (Stand-in) – television festival in Montreux

Ballet Prague (1964 – 1970 and 1999 – 2001)

2000 Thalia Award for extraordinary stage performance – Kateřina Benešová – Rejmanová,   choreography Hirošima (Hiroshima)

2000 Main award and Choreography Prize – Slovanské dvojzpěvy (Slavonic Duets) – „Czech – Slovak“ choreographies exhibition

1999 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Libor Vaculík, choreography Slovanské dvojzpěvy (Slavonic Duets)

1969 Main prize for staging – Listy důvěrné (Intimate Letters) – Czech Socialist Republic Ministry of Culture and Slovak Socialist Republic Ministry of Culture

1968 Diploma for Best ballet performance in 1968 – Ballet Union of culture institutions Chile (handed over in Santiago de Chile)

1965 2nd prize for Best choreography – Fresky (Frescos) – Art competition to the 20th anniversary of Czechoslovakia Socialist Republic

Pavel Šmok

2012 Ministry of Culture Prize for the contribution to the field of theatre

2005 Thalia Award – special prize of collegium

2005 Medal for Merit and contribution of the work of Leoš Janáček – Leoš Janáček foundation

2005 Medal of Josef Hlávek for technical sovereignty and individuality in dance expression, for lifelong significant choreography and director activity in the area of modern expressional dance, for the promotion of Czech art in the world – Foundation of Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávková

2003 State opera Prague director Mgr. Jaroslav Vocelka named Pavel Šmok lifelong honourable art director of the SOP ballet

2002 Medal for merits from Václav Havel the president of Czech Republic – for excellent art results

1996 International committee for measurement stipulated a new unit for choreography „Jeden Šmok“ 1[Šm]. (“One Šmok”).This declaration is compulsory for each international and local classification. 1[Šm] is defined as an amount of choreographically used ideas per unit of time.

1995 Czech literary fund Prize for Best choreography – Pavel Šmok, choreography Stabat

1994 Diploma for art creativity – Prize of Masaryk Art Academy

1990 President of Czech and Slovak Federative Republic named Pavel Šmok a professor in the field of dance choreography

1989 National prize of Czech Socialistic Republic for creativity contribution in production “Prague Chamber Ballet Evening” and for excellent representation of Czech dance art abroad – Board of Czech National Committee

1967 Special honourable award for specifically film conception of choreography Rossiniána – 4th nationwide festival of films about art Ars Film   

1963 1st prize – Nationwide competition for chamber companies Prague

1950 Faculty group at the conservatory and Academy of Performing Arts in Prague expressed an appreciation to Pavel Šmok for his selfless work in LSKA, by which he contributed to ideological growth of the ensemble, and for his work at dance conservatory
1949 Diploma for solo dance – Nationwide competition in Mariánské Lázně