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Hana Polanská Turečková

Hana Polanská Turečková

Hana Polanská Turečková graduated from the Dance Conservatory in Prague, the Catholic Theology Faculty in Prague (field of study – Art History) and the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (field of study – Choreography). She worked at the
National Theatre in Brno and the National Theatre in Prague where she became a soloist. Since 2010 she has worked as an independent dancer, choreographer and educator. In her projects, she focuses on cooperation with renowned Czech and Foreign visual artists. Her choreographies were created mainly for the Prague Chamber Ballet ensemble the artistic leader of which she was in the season 2013/14. She has received many awards for her dancing and choreographic activities, her artistic works are presented on the stages home and abroad, at festivals of contemporary dance and in the context of international artistic scene. She also studies the topic of interaction between dance and other forms of art on a theoretical level.

Hana Turečková graduated from a Dance Conservatory in Prague, Art History at the Catholic Theology Faculty in Prague and choreography at the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, where she continues in the postgraduate studies Art Interaction and Choreography.

In the season 1999-2000 she worked in National Theatre Brno and during 2000-2010 she was a member of a ballet company and later became a demi-soloist of National Theatre in Prague. In 1999 she won the 1st prize at the International competition Contest in Vienna and in 2000 she won the 2nd prize at the International contest of young dancers in Brno.

From 2010 she works as an independent dancer, choreographer and educator. For seven years she was a member of National Theatre project – Miniatures – workshop of young choreographers. On regular basis she participates in festivals of contemporary dance, for example Taneční sezóna (Dance Season) in Ostrava, Siraex in Klášterec nad Ohří, Tanec Praha (Dance Prague) and Czech Dance platform.

As a choreographer she cooperated with Dance Conservatory Prague, Conservatory of I. V. Psots, National Theatre Brno, F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec. She also collaborated with free association of choreographers Dekka Dancers as a choreographer and dancer.

In 2007 she was awarded the premium prize for individuality at the 1st International Choreography Competition in the Czech Republic. In 2010 her choreography Hádej kolik je hvězd (Guess How Many Stars are there) won the audience award at festival in Klášterec nad Ohří.

During 2010 and 2011 she participated as a dancer in the project Package of Japanese choreographer Shusaku Takeuchi in cooperation with group 420people and in 2011 she shot with well-known German artist Markus Selg art film Das ewige Antlitz.

From September 2011 she teaches at the Conservatory of the city of Prague the scenic practices of modern dance. As a teacher she collaborated with conservatories in Prague and Ostrava and Theatre of F. X. Šalda in Liberec. As a choreographer she worked with National Theatre Brno, Theatre of F.X.  Šalda, and others.

The choreography Mono no aware prepared for Prague Chamber Ballet was nominated in the list of eighteen best choreographies of the International Choreography Competition “no ballet” in Ludwigshafen in September 2012 and at the festival Sarajevo Winter 2013 it gained Silver Snowflake prize for the best contemporary dance performance.