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Tomáš Vondrovic (*1948)

Marko Ivanovićpoet, director, scriptwriter, translator (French language)

Tomáš Vondrovic graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague where he studied theatre studies, and from Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts where he studied stage direction. After his studies he worked in Lyra Pragensis, Theatre Institute, Supraphon Music Publishing (1974 -1990) – Spoken Word Department (production director) and after 1990 he was selfemployed. From 2004 to 2008 he worked as a dramaturge in the Vinohrady Theatre (Divadlo na Vinohradech), since 2008 he has been selfemployed again. He cooperates mainly with the Viola Theatre, Czech Radio and publishing houses Malvern, Trigon and Triton.

He has published dozens of poems and collections of poems such as Áté, Soukromá oběť, Bod singularity, Verše včel, Ars micra (currently in print) or Otlučený zázrak, Tři hry o něčem jiném (in cooperation with K. Pstružina), Parsifal, Kupec zvláštní krásy, O Naší Milé Paní (prose, drama – currently in print).

He has also translated many significant works from the French language, such as V. Hugo – Satyr, V. Hugo – The King Amuses Himself , G. G. Byron – Don Juan (recast), French poetry – Laughter and Songs of Montmartre, Terrason – Life of Sethos, Fulcanelli – The Mystery of the Cathedrals, Dwellings of the Philosophers (in a team of translators), F. Roy – The Last Templar (with M. Lázňovský), P. Claudel – Proteus (with M. Lázňovský)

During his employment at the Viola Theatre he directed plays Když sbírala jsem rozmarýn, Cypljonok žárennyj, Bohové vraťte se – turistům se stýská, Čtvrcení býčka, Praha záludná, O případném pití, Miluji – proklínám, Žena z Korinta, Anděl v modrém and others.

He also wrote several scripts such as Chrámové divadlo (Pilátova žena, Barabáš) for the Viola Theatre, S. Mrozek: Smlouva, Černá Myš – for the Ungelt Theatre, Beauty and the Beast for the ballet of the South Bohemian Theatre in České Budějovice, and others. He also cooperates with Czech Radio for which he has created many recordings, dramas as well as prosaic works.