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Monika Kletečková

kleteckovaCostume designer

Monika Kletečková was born in Prague. During 1996 – 2001 she studied at Secondary industrial clothing school in Prague with specialization „Production of costumes and accessories for theatre production”.

From 2003 she cooperated with State Opera Prague on realization of costumes for ballet (The Lady of the Camellias, Cinderella, My Country). On regular basis she collaborates with Prague Chamber Ballet. She participated in artistic processing of costumes for dance productions in Theatre of  J. K. Tyl in Pilsner (Marysha, Blood Wedding),  in F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec (Periferie, Harald – A star returns, The Nutcracker, Gustav Klimt) and in Northern Bohemia Opera and Ballet in Ústí nad Labem (Jessie and Morgiana).