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Jiří Thýn


Jiří Thýn (1977) is a member of the youngest generation of present art artists in Prague displaying with success (phenomenal one) in the last ten years. He completed atelier of photography at the Art Industrial University in Prague in 2006, he spent a year at Prague AVU (Academy of Fine Arts) with Vladimír Skrepl and Jiří Kovanda (2002) and at the UIAH University in Helsinki (2003). Another study visits he finished for example in Mexico City and in Bern.
Jiří Thýn focuses mainly on photography, even though his work is better indicated as installations, they are composed from very carefully elaborated compositions, created by combination of photography, projections, statues and interventions. Already twice he became a finalist of Jindřich Chalupecký prize, his work must not be absent on any important group exhibition – last time it is for example on-going Prague Biennale Photo 3.

Jiří Thýn is indisputably one of the most shining stars on the field of present Czech art photography. He works with today already classical technique in very innovative way, on conceptual base and in his experiments he gets all the way to actual core and meaning of photograph as medium. He records time passing in personal context, he creates his photographic cycles according to his words as long until the given theme is not on its own exhausted. Purposefully is looks for ideal compositions. In pictures he connects several points of view and space. He calls his photographs „non-narrative“, story is created exactly by actual time passing and creation of the work.