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Symbióza menší rozlišeníSYMBIOSIS

2 new original choreographies by Jiří Pokorný and Lukáš Timulák created especially for the
Prague Chamber Ballet

World premiere: 29.04.2018 | 7 pm, Vinohrady Theatre in Prague

Tickets available on

The premiere will take place under the kind auspices of Minister of Culture of Czech Republic Ilja Šmíd, Mr Jiří Kylián and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr Kees J. R. Klompenhouwer, as part of the International Dance Day.

With the new premiere evening, the Prague Chamber Ballet continues in the presentation of original production with Czech and Slovak authors who have been successful not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad.


Choreography: Jiří Pokorný
Music: Nils Frahm, Davidson Jaconello  (new composition)
Costume design: Joke Visser, Jiří Pokorný
Scenography design: Jiří Pokorný,  Pavla Beranová
Set design: Jiří Pokorný
Light design: Pavla Beranová
Length: 30 minutes
Performing: 7 dancers of the Prague Chamber Ballet

The dance staging is inspired by the theme of climate, especially in its natural behaviour during climate change, which may have a binding effect on our existence at the present time.

For the artistic representation of this theme, Jiří Pokorný was loosely inspired by the idea that the planet Earth’s biosphere represents the symbol of eternal motion. Its influences, principles and constant transformations are the recurring cycle of life in the time-space in which all living things are born and lost. In this self-regulating process, we find ourselves as part of one superorganism.

The World of Daisies represents space where life on Earth is maintained in the right ratio between black and white, that is between a black and a white daisy. The black daisy receives light and transforms it into the warmth that warms us. The white daisy reflects light and causes the opposite effect. In a similar way, our body acts as a tool that responds largely to the outside, listening closely to its basic functions and movement expression to become part of a complex organism that adapts the conditions for its indisputable self-existence.


Choreography: Lukáš Timulák
Music: Iva Bittová, Henry Vega (new composition)
Costume design: Joke Visser, Lukáš Timulák
Scenography design: Lukáš Timulák, Pavla Beranová
Set design: Lukáš Timulák
Light design: Pavla Beranová
Length: 30 minutes
Performing: 6 dancers of the Prague Chamber Ballet

“With every breath, we confirm the bond with the environment that surrounds us. We transform it, blend with it. The movement of our body breaks the air, reflects it, warms it up, and we breathe it in and out. By our existence, we are involved in the constant movement and transformation of the material world.”

In his new choreographic work, Lukáš Timulák deals with elements that are in constant interdependence and exchange and are constantly blending. Nature, human beings and their living space. How do we shape our environment and how does it shape us? What do we absorb from it and how does it absorb us? The core of Lukáš Timulák’s choreography is a man as a part of a permanent process of change, in constant movement and adaptation.