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Unspoken Silent

Nevyřčené ticho (1)Unspoken Silent
Choreography: Tom Rychetský
Music: Leoš Janáček, Klavírní sonáta I.X. 1905 „Z ulice“
Set design: Milan Cais
Costume design: Roman Šolc
Light design: Daniel Tesař
Assistant Choreography: Linda Svidró
Renewed premiere: 22.10.2017, Vinohrady Theatre Prague
Performing: 4 soloists of Prague Chamber Ballet
Duration: 17 minutes

Inspiration Piano Sonata by Leoš Janáček’s „From the Street“ on the student’s motives tragedy
of 1905, led to the creation of intimate inner miniatures for one man and three women.

“Angels with silver wings shouldn’t know suffering. I wish I could take the pain for you. If God has a master plan, that only He understands, I hope it’s your eyes He’s seeing through.“
(Martin L. Gore)