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Black Clouds Don’t Cry

Black Coulds Don't Cry

Black Clouds Don’t Cry

Choreography by Jiří Pokorný
Music by Yukari Sawaki
Stage design and costumes by Jan Nečas
Lighting design by Loes Schakenbos
Length: 22 minutes

The production “Black Clouds Don’t Cry” is inspired by feelings and thoughts we consciously or unconsciously repress and hide in our souls. Our human body turns into a hard shell, impenetrable and perfectly masked by a wide range of different faces we show, while only one is hidden beneath the surface.

If we pick an apple from a tree and want to paint it, its surface and imaginary structure are still vivd in our eyes, yet its contents are already lifeless and certainly dead. Indeed, in Spanish, “still life” is called far more appropriately “naturaleza muerta”, or “dead nature”.

Jiří Pokorný