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Come see Comme ça

Come seeMusic collage: Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, Renè Aubry, Murcof, Balanescu Quartet, Gran Bregović
Direction: Aleksandra Dziurosz
Dramaturgy consultation: Bartosz M. Martyna
Choreography: Aleksandra Dziurosz & dancers
Music arrangement: Andrzej Kopeć
Set and costume design: Pavel Knolle
Light design: Jakub Sloup
Czech premiere: 18. 10. 2015 The Estates Theatre in Prague
Performing: 6 dancers
Duration: 30 minutes

Come see Comme ça is the variation on the life of several people whose fate has led them to one place. The piece is inspired by the Baroque concept, paradox and contrast. It is a story about the people’s needs, that have a chance to appear only on the occasion of certain specified circumstances. One of these situations is the evening party. The needs, often hidden from the outside world, then come to the fore of common instincts and behaviour and it is possible to see both sides – friendly and nice, as well as shameful and hostile. How much truth is in their behaviour? Come see. Look. You’ll see that they are not quite happy. They feel Comme ci comme ça.