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Program Archive 2015

January 2015

9.1. 17.30 In the Mists (1st part) Slavonic Quartet (2nd part) On the occasion of the 75th birthday of Jiri Opela. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)

February 2015

4.2. 9.00 & 11.00 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
5.2. 15.00 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
5.2. 20.00 Black Mirror From My Life Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)

March 2015

4.3. 19.00 3 Czech Quartets Fabrika Svitavy (CZ)
6.3. 9.00 & 11.00 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
9.3. 10.00 & 15.00 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)

April 2015

14.4. 19.00 3 Czech Quartets Municipality Theatre, Děčín (CZ)
15.4. 19.00 3 Czech Quartets Municipality Theatre, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)
16.4. 10:30 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Municipality Theatre, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)
27.4. 11.00 & 15.00 Who is the most powerful in the world? Orders here. Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)

May 2015

2.5. 19:00 Guess how many stars are there In the mists (1st part) Cultural Centre, Blatná (CZ)
16.5. 19.00 3 Czech Quartets Municipality Theatre, Most (CZ)
21.5. 10.30 In The Mists Slavonic Quartet Renaissance hall, Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (CZ)
21.5. 19.00 In The Mists Slavonic Quartet Renaissance hall, Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (CZ)
27.5. 20.00 Guess how many stars are there Within International Modern Dance Festival Korea MODAFE Arko Arts Theater, Seoul (South Korea)

June 2015

16.6. 20.00 Guess how many stars are there Black mirror Within Busan International Dance Festival Busan Cultural Centre, Busan (South Korea)
25.6. 19.00 3 Czech Quartets Mahenovo Theatre, Brno (CZ)

July 2015

No shows for this month, please go to the next month.

August 2015

18.8. 20.00 Black mirror Within festival SIRAEX Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (CZ)
21.8. 20.00 Hiroshima (duet of a pilot and his conscience) Within festival SIRAEX Castle Klášterec nad Ohří (CZ)

September 2015

No shows for this month, please go to the next month.

October 2015

3.10. 17.40 This is not a kiss Within festival Golden Prague Piazzette of National Theatre Prague (CZ)
18.10. 19.00 Metaphors of dance PREMIERE The Estates Theatre, Prague (CZ)

November 2015

7.11. 18.30 Gala performance Within Dance Life Expo 2015 Brno Exhibion Centre, Brno (CZ)
11.11. 10:00 Dance contrasts Orders HERE Municipal Library in Prague (CZ)
20.11. 19.00 Guess how many stars are there Silent cry within Warsaw Dance Days festival Mazovia Institute of Culture Warsaw (PL)

December 2015

2.12. 9:00 Dance contrasts Orders HERE Municipal Library in Prague (CZ)
9.12. 19:00 This Is Not a Kiss! Orders HERE Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
10.12. 10:00 Dance contrasts Orders HERE Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
10.12. 15:00 Come see Comme ça – Dance contrasts Orders HERE Ponec Theatre, Prague (CZ)
17.12. 19:00 Come see comme ça Black Mirror Silent cry Mazovia Institute of Culture Warsaw (PL)
25.12. 19:00 Metaphors of Dance The Estates Theatre, Prague (CZ)