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orez PKB Metamorphic 109 menší rozlišeníMETAMORPHIC

Preview: 30.9.2017 piazetta of National Theatre Prague (within Golden Prague festival)
Czech premire: 5.10.2017 Ponec Theatre Prague
Concept: Martina Hajdyla Lacová
Choreography: Martina Hajdyla Lacová
Music: Jozef Vlk
Supervision: Andrej Petrovič
Costume design: Petra Lebdušková

Assistant choreographer: Igor Vejsada
Light design: Monika Petrušková

Repeats: 21.11.2017 8 pm, Ponec Theatre

Tickets available at:

“There is nothing in the world so unstable and distorted as the base instincts – the originators of our life. They bring dynamics and unexpectedness to our lives. They dwell somewhere inside our bodies and control it, in spite of us trying to hide this fact. The base instincts form our movement.”

The duet Metamorphic draws its inspiration freely from the artistic work of the sculptor
August Rodin who shaped his sculptures fascinated by the human being, nature and dance.
His way of depicting and dramatization of human body served the duet artists as a source of

(„I am beautiful, O mortals, as a dream of stone!“) (Charles Boudelaire, Flowers of Evil)